Frequently asked questions;


Where are you located? Bulga, NSW Australia.


Do you ship overseas? To some countries yes. We currently have shipping set up for Australia, New Zealand and the United States. Overseas shipping is a little pricey because most of our stock is quite large and heavy. Message us for a quote though, I may be able to get it cheaper depending on what you were after. 

If you live anywhere else I can add shipping to my checkout page when I work out the cost to ship to your address.


Do you tan hides? No we don't and unfortunately I don't know anyone who does. But if you know someone who does please let us know since I get phone calls daily asking!


Do you have a storefront? Nope! Just a spare room full of cowhide.


Can I come and have a look at your stock? Absolutely! Just message us for the address. Anyone is welcome to have a look or pickup an order, just please don't show up to my house without talking to me first (yes this happens a lot!).


Do yo offer hot iron branding? Not yet. Hopefully soon 🤞


Do you wholesale? Yes we do, send us a message and I'll send through a price list.


Do you offer sponsorship? We support the people who support us. Don't send me the same message you've sent to hundred's of other businesses asking me to sponsor you if you've never supported us.


Do you offer donations? We do but we cannot donate to every single one or we would run out of stock pretty quickly. At this stage we only donate to local charities.